A Fresh Start….Again

I recently celebrated my 52nd birthday. It’s funny how as I was approaching my 50th B-day, I was determined to be more diligent about keeping my word to not repeat my “not so proud of ” track record of  familiar short-lived writing expeditions  no matter how big or small the price tag.  So as I transitioned  from writing in my personal journal and haphazardly  on my famously known bedside 1001 post-it notes to my first attempt at Blogging 101 University, I thought surely this is it.  Then I found myself traveling down a very familiar path of  starting and stopping the daily assignments more times than I care to admit publicly.  As the days passed so swiftly and the make-up work piles grew taller, I thought nah way ! My heart was crying out “you were created for this very purpose” while my brain was  saying “there is always tomorrow’s makeup day.”

Then it hit me, I cannot let my past failed attempts at from start to finish control my destiny for today.  I have been given a fresh start from my Heavenly Father and it’s a great start.  Isaiah 43:19 declares “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (NIV Translation).

So why am I returning to 1st grade,  I have something of worth to share to encourage someone else who may be having a not-so-good day at finishing strong. By faith   I confess that my wavering not so consistent writing  past life is behind me and my vision to serve others propels me beyond mediocrity.

So,  here I am hitting the” fresh start …again” button of my blog voice to share more aha life purpose moments with whoever will listen.  I hope that my “keeping it real” testimony will help those with a kindred spirit to help keep a watch out and stay the course.

It feels great to be given a fresh start…again. Don’t ever say nah way  to your vision no matter now many times you may have to push back in order to propel forward.

Just for today, be intentionally focused on your goals and let’s keep it moving one moment at a time.